
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Valentine's Dinner- Family Style

I love Valentine's Day. I love the colors pink and red and all the adorable heart shaped treats. I love the beautiful flowers and okay... I'll admit it, mostly the chocolate!

Sometimes we go out for Valentine's Day, sometimes we go to parties but usually we end up having a nice cozy dinner at home. If we're lucky, my in-laws take the kids for the night and my husband and I cook and eat dinner together. It reminds me of life before children when we cooked together every night and had a nice relaxing dinner.

Other times we have a Family Valentine's Dinner. I got the idea a couple of years ago from Williams Sonoma and now it has become kind of a tradition. We bring out our best dishes (or sometimes just cute paper Valentine's plates, etc.) and fancy glasses and the kids favorite part...we eat by candlelight. We all help cook dinner together. I usually have one child help me with each dish. That way it doesn't get too crazy in the kitchen. Usually we go around the table and say something we love about each person. It really is fun and it makes the kids feel really grown up and special.

Here is a what we're eating this year:

I am going to post each recipe separately and then link them in this post. I've found that sometimes when I post a menu, it makes it hard to find each item individually. This will be my posting for the week because my Mom and I are going to spend a week with my beautiful new niece and fabulous sister!

Posted by: Sallie

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